
Molds for Plastic Injection


Products made with plastic molds

To utilize 3D data, We have installed the optimal system for each process and we make full use of design and machining technologies to produce molds with the required quality, cost, and delivery.
We offer automotive interior parts such as door trims, console boxes, and handles for an entire product series.

We also have manufacturing and maintenance bases overseas and can handle local procurement.

Processing examples

3D Design
3D Design
Mold Automotive Door, Movable Side
Mold Automotive Door, Movable Side


Creation of design/processing data using high-end software


NWe make advantaged design and process with high-quality data by using high-end CAD such as NX (UG) and CATIA and their complementary systems.
It is possible process not only 3D data but also replacede 2D data.

Supported data: DXF, IGES, STEP, NX, CATIA, and others

Analysis Technology

Advance confirmation using two analytical simulations

We perform both resin flow analysis and mold release analysis in our design process to create the optimal mold structure in pursuit of QCD, such as gate positions, number of ejector pins.

Resin flow analysis
Resin flow analysis
Mold release analysis
Mold release analysis

Dimensional Inspection Technology

Overlay of CAD and scanned data

Overlay of CAD and scanned data

We verify dimensions by overlaying CAD data of the design and scanned data of the machined product.

Overseas Network

Nine networks in Asia and North America

We have five locations in Asia and four in North America as the NFM Group, under our direct control, and collaborative partners to support our global operations.


Networks in Asia
Country Region Business form Weight of molds handled
China (1) Shenzhen Design & manufacture 20t
(2) Tianjin 20t
Republic of Korea (3) Seoul 10t
(4) Dangjing 10t
Thailand (5) Bangkok Maintenance 5t

North America

Networks in North America
Country Region Business form Weight of molds handled
U.S.A. (6) Kentucky Design modification & maintenance 20t
(7) Alabama 20t
(8) Michigan 10t
Canada (9) Toronto 5t

Inquiry about Products


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4-5-6, Minato-machi, Handa-shi, Aichi 475-0823, Japan

NGK Fine Molds is a member of the NGK Group.